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Cavlon Online Store

Product Image Item Name Price+
100' Clear Heat Shrink Tubing 3/8" Manhattan S2213/8.

100' Clear Heat Shrink Tubing 3/8" Manhattan S2213/8.

Up for sale is a roll of  100' Clear Heat Shrink Tubing 3/8" Manhattan S2213/8 .   Cavlon Item # 1206.


Lot Of 2 NIB Rolls Of Thermofit 3/8" MIL-LT Heat Shrinkable

Lot Of 2 NIB Rolls Of Thermofit 3/8" MIL-LT Heat Shrinkable

For sale is a Lot Of 2 NIB Rolls Of Thermofit 3/8" MIL-LT Heat Shrinkable Insulation Sleeving 200 Ft. Each Roll. Cavlon Item # 3533 Raw weight is 6.5 lbs Raw dimensions are 21*21*7"

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100' (25 Pieces 4' Each) 3/8" Diameter Heat Shrink Tubing

100' (25 Pieces 4' Each) 3/8" Diameter Heat Shrink Tubing

Up for sale is  10 0' (25 Pieces 4' Each) 3/8" Diameter Heat Shrink Tubing . This Is 2X Material Meaning It Shrinks To Half Its Original Diameter (3/8 Down To 3/16). Cavlon Item # 662.


20' (5 Pieces 4' Each) 1.25" Diameter 400% Super Heat Shrink

20' (5 Pieces 4' Each) 1.25" Diameter 400% Super Heat Shrink

Up for sale is a  20'(5 Pieces 4' Each) 1.25" Diameter 400% Super Heat Shrink Tubing. Sumi Tube W3B2 (4X) 32/8X4FT By Sumitomo Electric. Cavlon Item # 664.


Sumi Tube W3B2 (4X) 52/13X4FT by Sumitomo Electric

Sumi Tube W3B2 (4X) 52/13X4FT by Sumitomo Electric

This is amazing stuff--it shrinks 400%--from 2" down to half and inch.  20'(5 pieces 4' each) 2" diameter Heat Shrink Tubing .  Up for sale is a lot of Sumi Tube W3B2 (4X) 52/13X4FT by Sumitomo Electric. Cavlon Item # 663.


100'(25 pieces 4' each) .63" diameter Heat Shrink Tubing

100'(25 pieces 4' each) .63" diameter Heat Shrink Tubing

Up for sale is a  Amazing 400% shrink.  100'(25 pieces 4' each) .63" diameter Heat Shrink Tubing . Sumi Tube W3B2 (4X) 16/4X4FT by Sumitomo Electric. Cavlon Item # 661.


Tyco/Raychem D11555-000 2.0-inch Black Heat Shrinkable Tubing

Tyco/Raychem D11555-000 2.0-inch Black Heat Shrinkable Tubing

DESCRIPTION: You are purchasing a full 22-meter (75-foot) roll of black 2.0-inch NT-MIL modified elastomeric heat-shrinkable tubing. NT-MIL tubing offers outstanding resistance to abrasion and physical abuse but stays flexible and resilient in most harnessing applications. This is very heavy duty material with a shrunk wall thickness of nearly an eight of an inch. FEATURES: Manufactured by Tyco Raychem in USAMinimum shrink temperature +90CMaximum temperature 121COperating temperature range -70C to 121CManufactured 12/06Inside diameter 50.8mmShrink ratio 2:1Chemical resistantNearly 1/8th in wall thickness after shrink CA Inventory # 5904  


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