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Product Image Item Name- Price
115N060T Vacuum Tube ~ Relay ~

115N060T Vacuum Tube ~ Relay ~

115N060T Vacuum Tube Relay       FEATURES:           o Amperite in box           o Box is as shown           o  ~1 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 2 inches raw           CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4018


12WA6 Pentode Vacuum Tube

12WA6 Pentode Vacuum Tube

12WA6 Pentode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o RCA in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 1 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test       CA# 4027


6AQ6 Triode Vacuum Tube

6AQ6 Triode Vacuum Tube

6AQ6 Triode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o Sylvania in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~2 by 1 by 1 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4019


6AT6 Triode with Double-Diode Vacuum Tube

6AT6 Triode with Double-Diode Vacuum Tube

6AT6 Triode with Double-Diode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o Sylvania in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 2 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4028


6H6 Diode Vacuum Tube

6H6 Diode Vacuum Tube

6H6 Diode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o RCA in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 2 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4026


CRC 6SC7 Triode Vacuum Tube

CRC 6SC7 Triode Vacuum Tube

CRC 6SC7 Triode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o 1 RCA in bag           o  ~1 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 2 inches raw           CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test       CA# 4021


Set of 19 6DJ8 / 6922 Triode Vacuum Tubes

Set of 19 6DJ8 / 6922 Triode Vacuum Tubes

6DJ8 / 6922 Set of 19 Vacuum Tubes ~ Triode ~       FEATURES:           o 11 Amperex in bag           o 5 mixeed variety in bag           o 3 PQ Amperex 6922 in bag- equivelant to 6DJ8           o  ~2 lbs, ~6"x6"x2"       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used. We have no way to test them       CA# 4012

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Sold Out

Set of 2 6360 Tetrode Vacuum Tubes

Set of 2 6360 Tetrode Vacuum Tubes

Set of 2 6360 Tetrode Vacuum Tubes       FEATURES:           o 2 Amperite in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 1 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4025


Set of 2 6AC7 Pentode Vacuum Tube

Set of 2 6AC7 Pentode Vacuum Tube

Set of 2 6AC7 Pentode Vacuum Tube       FEATURES:           o 1 HP in bag           o 1 GE in bag           o  ~1 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 2 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4023


Set of 2 6BD6 Pentode Vacuum Tubes

Set of 2 6BD6 Pentode Vacuum Tubes

Set of 2 6BD6 Pentode Vacuum Tubes       FEATURES:           o 2 Raytheon in bag           o  ~.5 lbs, ~7 by 4 by 1 inches raw       CONDITION:  Condition looks good, may be used but we have no way to test any       CA# 4024


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